Leadway Pensure Stages First Ever Financial Wellness Sensitization For Corp Members Leadway Pensure Stages First Ever Financial Wellness Sensitization For Corp Members Articles News
September 28, 2017

8th August 2017 will be a memorable day for the Batch A, Stream II Corp members serving in Lagos State. Why? It was the day Leadway Pensure PFA organised a first of its kind sensitization programme at the Lagos NYSC Camp in Iyana Ipaja, to create awareness on financial wellness. With the programme, Leadway Pensure seeks to create a savings and planning culture, and make the concept of pension trendy, among the youths. This is in view of the widely held opinion that things like pension are for the old.   It is this popular misconception that propelled Leadway Pensure to organise this programme, which saw different speakers lending credence to the fact that the best time to plan and start saving for a wholesome future is actually when one is young.     Mr. Osarhieme Osaghae, Head of Business Development, Leadway Pensure, kick-started the event with an introduction of different speakers who took the Corp members through a brief training session on RSA, AVC, Legacy Funds, Gratuity Funds and a host of other products and services in Leadway Pensure’s portfolio. The Corp members were also briefed on Leadway Pensure’s job alerts, an initiative meant to facilitate their job search. It is hoped that this will go a long way in helping them secure jobs and kick-start their retirement savings account.       A major highlight of the sensitization programme was the Leadway Pensure #FinancialWellness Challenge, during which two Corp members from each platoon were asked a series of questions, ranging from financial literacy and pension to entertainment, sports etc., to test their understanding of financial wellness and their knowledge of trends and events around the world. Two winners emerged from each of the three platoons and were awarded cash prizes and other gifts. At the end of the day, the Corp members were thrilled to have been part of this great initiative. They all left, armed with new knowledge of how pension works and an appreciation of the need to make a financial plan for the future while one is young and active. Some even left with lots of cash in their pockets.   The Leadway Pensure #FinancialWellness sensitization will hold again when a new batch of Corp members come into the camp later on in the year. The plan is to constantly create awareness about financial wellness and set Corp members on a right financial course that will be followed through, from their NYSC year up to their time of retirement.
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