Welcome to the year 2023 Welcome to the year 2023 Articles News
January 30, 2023

What a beautiful 365 days we had in the year 2022! 

Expectedly, we believe you would have had a genuine re-evaluation of the previous year, prepared your list of achievements, planned your New Year routines, and you are all pumped to achieve new milestones in 2023.

Beyond the New Year’s well-intended resolutions and hyped spirit, ensure you have realistic and achievable plans that will serve as guidance and help create a positive tone as you look forward to a more rewarding year.

Here are a few things to pay attention to as you look to ensure your resolutions are not mere words or a yearly ritual but a realistic checklist that will be ticked by the end of the year:

–    Set realistic goals

It is important to note that the possibility of achieving a goal rest squarely on how realistic the goals are. The difference between a wish and a goal is a clear plan of action. As you set your goals this year, create a clear plan of action; highlight what needs to be done to achieve your goals.

–    Be disciplined

After setting your goals, maintain a high sense of discipline and consistency. Discipline ensures you persist till the end. For example, if you plan to save a certain amount this year, you may set an automated plan that deducts the money at a given date and locks the withdrawal date. If the plan is to read a book chapter daily, set a time, programme a reminder and stick to it. 

–    Be accountable

One of the ways to ensure that you stick to a plan is by being accountable. An author on New Year’s Resolution and Accountability, Frank Ra, says, “Resolutions are more sustainable when shared.” Do this especially with an accountability partner! A shared vision or goal with someone who pushes you to be and do better and asks about the progress report of your goal is a critical step to ensuring your goals become a reality.

So, as you navigate through the journey of the year 2023, be guided by celebrity Life Coach, Tim Storey’s famous saying that “today’s decisions are tomorrow’s realities.”

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