Use our compound interest calculator to plan your resources over time.

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  • Review graphs to analyze wealth valuation
  • Enroll for Pension Plan immediately



The Calculator on this page is indicating and strictly for information purposes. Leadway Pensure PFA's obligations with respect to its services on this page are governed solely by the agreements under which they are provided and nothing hereof should be construed to alter such 'Service' agreements".



This is a Pension projection calculator that would help you to know:

  1. How much you need to contribute to get your desired pension and;
  2. Based on your current contributions, how much will you be getting when you are retired.

Based on what you get from your calculations, you can decide to make Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC), if your current contribution does not meet your desired pension.

This calculator is based on the following assumptions:

  1. Pension contribution is constant over the period.
  2. The return on these contributions are constant over the period.
  3. A retirement pension plan is purchased with the total RSA amount upon retirement.
  4. The return on the investment remains the same as that over the period of contribution.
  5. No tax effect.
  6. For payouts, the balances are reinvested monthly at same rates.
How much do I need to contribute monthly to get my desired Pension?
Based on my current contributions, how much can I collect when I retire?
Disclaimer: The Calculator on this page is indicating and strictly for information purposes. Leadway Pensure PFA's obligations with respect to its services on this page are governed solely by the agreements under which they are provided and nothing hereof should be construed to alter such agreements.
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